Language traps
Maybe logic is a good language’s game. Maybe it just…works.
Become an abstract form. Experience to be a fixed and immutable essence. Be a word. Why human existence is always tending towards finalism? Why, the need to grasp life? To imprison events with concepts? Isn’t life just a little portion of intensity, of duration, that as it turns on, it turns off?
Language(s): spectacles for decoding experience. Once invented by man as a tool. Now men are the tool, and language it’s craftsman.
Repeat after me. In this world of eternal repetition, become an object. Become a subject, let others predicate, judge, talk about you. Be a self.
Believe in the words: I am. Believe that objects can be separable from others. Play with the tools that language dispenses. But...
But never forget that this is a game. Rules have been invented and given. You learned them and you chose to believe in them, to interact with life having them as filters. So remember, make your cellular memory remember, that you are playing in a fantasy platform. Don’t you ever forget that you are choosing every second of life you live.
What if we could change some words? What if we could leave behind the verb to Be? Could we see any differently? Could we reinvent our own world?
Imagine now a world in a continuous mutation. Grasp beings discarding concepts of identity (forms, categories, resemblances, unities of apperception, predicates, etc.) that fail to attain difference in itself. Try to imagine that there are no such things as objects separated from other objects. Transmute the idea into a world of fluxes with different intensities.
Language’s malleable. You choose how to play with it. But don’t forget that who gives meaning to it is yourself. You choose. And you choose to choose, or to take what others have chosen for you. Language is a weird toy.
Lost somewhere
Can’t find myself
Observe, grasp, create, experience, explore, love, search, laugh, change, invent, destroy,
The word Self. Wicked when it’s defined for what you can predicate of (a) self or for what (a) self should be.
>Dangerous conceptual backgrounds.
>Back + Grounds = Unconscious lands.
>Ground, Land, Mother Earth > creation.
>Discard “Un” from Unconscious. Become the land. Create {consciously.}
“s e l f”
Conceptual cage
Erase detrimental concepts such as “should”, “must”.
Embrace potentiality, be what you desire to be; don’t you ever look backwards, and if you do, take it as the condition of possibility of an affirmative present.
Live as if this instant could be repeated eternally. Take the best of it.
Find those external mandates that have been secretly introjected and get rid of them: laugh about it; play: create; explore, invent.
There are no such things as objects: matter is separable.
There is no such thing as Me or You, we are different intensities. Find beauty in it Experience love.
Experience every flux of life without judging; to judge is to separate, to build a self, a cage that limits, binds, chokes.
There’s nothing to find {and that’s relieving.}
You do not own anything. {and that’s relieving.}
Don’t look for anything. Learn to get rid of language’s illusion. Create your own.
Free Mind from imperatives.
Language is a weird toy.
[or a warm gun]